Friday, December 01, 2006

Snowed in

Oh yeah. It snowed last night. It snowed so hard, every school within fifty miles of my house is closed. And here I am, stuck inside, my garage door unable to open thanks to a huge wall of snow. Whew, what a day. I have been shoveling all morning, but I guess I'll just hire someone with a truck. I must admit though, it is a lot of fun playing with my dog all day and making snowmen. Ha, I sound like an eight-year-old. Well, pray for me and hope I don't catch pneumonia.
On the bright side, I can catch the season finale of Avatar.


Tara said...

Ewww, that crap is headed our way! Sounds like you had a nice snow day though! You and the pup! You should make a snow angel or something too. Go sled riding. Have a snowball fight with someone. When our family had a dog, I would throw a snowball up in the air and she would jump up and catch it with her mouth and then eat it. Good times I say.

patrick said...

Yeah, I've pretty much done all that. And I'm not even finished!

patrick said...

Oh, dude, Avatar is on in less than one half hour!!!

Maybe my nerdy self will post about it.

Anonymous said...