Baggy-eyed Bolshevik: Jim Lehrer
Briefcase Mafia: trial lawyers
Bypassed Bolsheviks in Buicks: retired, retreat leftists known to haunt Palm Beach County, Florida.
Caesars of Hollywood: actors and actresses who move among us as if they were gods
Christophobia: the loathing and hatred of Christianityby bigoted, intolerant, secular leftists
Clipped-Hair, Mean-Faced Women: self evident
Coffee Cup Annan: the shameless, oil swilling leader of the U.N.
Compassionate Conservative: me
Condo Commies: wealthy socialists
Corned-Beef Commies: unhealthy, wealthy socialists
Crack Pants: pants worn by skinny middle-class kids who emulate gangbangers.
Crescent News Network: CNN
Demicans: Republicans who act like Democrats (e.g. Arlen Specter)
Demoncats: a euphemistic term for godless Democrats
Dodge City of Blogging: El Patro's Tijuana Tortilla
Dungism: a school for liberal art
Empty Skirt: a pancake-faced, teleprompter-reading leg-crosser in a newsroom
EPA: Environmental Propaganda Agency
The Grim Reefer Gang: advocates for medical marijuana
Government-Media Complex:unholy alliance between big government and media elites
Headcutters in Headscarves:evangelists who spread the religion of peace by cutting people to pieces
Hieroglyphics Set To A Beat: rap
Rev. Jesse Hijackson: pastor of The First Rainbow Church of Shakedowns
Hitler in a Dirty Nightshirt: Osama bin Laden
Hollywood Idiots: midless thespians from the Land of Make Believe
Illiberal: what "liberal" used to mean
Infidels: people who are reading this blog
Institutes of Lower Living:colleges where junior sheeple can get the finest illiberal education taxpayer money can buy
Islamofascists: dirty nightshirt-clad radical Muslims who hold a Koran in one hand and a bloody knife in the other
Kneejerk Conservatives: refelxive right-wingers who never ask "why?" when conservative leaders say "Drink the Kool-Aid"
Krapistan: any Turd World dunghole still stuck in the Middle Ages
Lexus Liberals: Kerry-brand politicians who despise the nation that made their wealth
Lunchroom Lenins: found mainly in Southern Florida near the early, early, early bird buffet.
Madeline Halfbright: former Secretary of Hate under Bill Clinton
Mushroom Boys: L.A. screenwriters
Nostrilman: Henry Waxman
Old York Times: the once-great Grey Lady, befouled by "Pinchy"Sulzberger's juvenile worldview
PBS: Palestine Broadcasting System
Pinchy Sulzberger: the left-leaning czar of the Old York Times and son ofArthur H. Sulzberger
Pot in Every Chicken: legalization of marijuana
Psychological Nudity: exposing the truth
Rat Boy: John Walker Lindh the so-called American Taliban, who stabbed America in the back
Republicrats: turn coat conservatives
Red Diaper Doper Babies:psychotic sixties leftovers who mixed too much Marx with their marijuana
Sheeple: the unthinking, gullible masses
Socialism: organized crime with an army
Spawning Like Shrimp: the swarming of illegal aliens at our southern border
Stand-Up Stalins: anti-American comedians
TNN: Taliban News Network (also known as CNN)
Friday, February 10, 2006
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