Saturday, December 16, 2006

New blog review, yes!

My blog just got reviewed by Heaven Nose. Here's what the Schnoz (left) and Goldilocks (right) had to say about me:

The Schnoz: Being a blog reviewing Superhero isn't just about having a good time and making fun of sad people. Along with the occasional cock push up, I also spend my time playing videogames and listening to music. The Schnoz was already playing videogames in a time that Pong was considered next gen. You ask why you had to wait so long for a new post? Well, here is your answer.
Could it be that someone who likes
Sonia Belle has the same great taste as the Schnoz? It seems unlikely, but hey, a coupla Superheroes reviewing blogs is pretty unbelievable too. So I present to you: El Patro, Sonia Belle reader and Schnoz-clone.
Somehow, I can't seem to admit that I like El Patro. Why should I? Just because he has entertaining game/movie reviews on his blog, I have to like the guy? Even Hitler was pretty nice, apart from his slayings of Jews, gypsies and homosexuals. Does that mean I have to like Hitler? Besides:
Sometimes it's cool to be mean to your readers, it shows you're above them.
Oh, to hell with it. I love El Patro. Nay, I luuv him. His blog is about VIDEO GAMES. Need I say more? Like I said in a previous post: we need less blogs about sex and more blogs about funny animals and video games. Even Hitler did some pretty neat stuff (the autobahns, reviving the economy, etc.). So dontcha go sending no Verfassungsschutz on my ass, people. I know, I know, the Holocaust was a terrible thing. But are we gonna be a glass is half empty or a glass is half full civilization?Since Goldilocks has no interest in my videogames, I am seriously considering teaming up with this El Patro instead. I could change my name to El Schnozerino...
Goldilocks: El Patro pestered and bribed us into writing this review ... El Patro is a man with a very tragic background (i.e. his mama was a prostituteand his dad was Dr. Evil) and he likes video games,sushi, the Simpsons, Family Guy, books, movies, journalism, Chinese food and even poetry. He's a pretty multi-faceted guy all around with just enough trace of nerdiness. Awesome!After reading his blog, the thought resounding in my blonde head was: "Hey, I'd tapthat."
Thanks, Heaven Nose! You guys are the real heroes!

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